Non-Impact Exercising
Water therapy is ideal for people whose injuries and pain won’t permit traditional exercise or any kind of impact. When someone is immersed in water the gravity is countered so that no weight applies pressure on the back. The individual can move slowly and gently without aggravating their condition. This is especially ideal for someone who has difficulty lifting their legs. The water acts as a spotter to guide movements in a safe manner and prohibits the kind of injuries that are caused or worsened by balance problems. Patients often notice a remarkable reduction in their pain while they are in the water. The gentle movement of the water currents on the skin can be a huge benefit to painful areas of the body. Warm water will provide even more relief if available. Patients also find it easier when rehabilitating an injury to start a program in the water before transitioning to the gym because of the guided support of the water beneath their limbs to enhance the balance and flow of the movements.
The practice of Tai-Chi is another great form of non-impact exercise that has been around since the 12th century. It has recently gained huge popularity for its stress and anxiety reducing effects. It has been described as movement based meditation. It involves the execution of slow and gentle gliding movements that bring harmony to the mind and body. A Tai-Chi regimen has been shown to effectively improve the inflammation and pain in those suffering from back issues. The fundamentals of Tai-Chi require an individual to transcend into a feeling of total peace and tranquility. Steady and graceful movements induce a calm state of mind. Tai-Chi does not place any stress on the back or joints. Tai-Chi is an affordable activity. It does not require any kind of equipment and can be performed both indoors and outdoors.
Another non-impact activity that is quickly gaining popularity is yoga because it is a great way to increase core strength and flexibility. These are the two biggest components to warding off back pain as well as correcting back issues. Classes with a qualified yoga instructor have been shown to promote very promising results. Even those who attend a yoga class once a week report improvement in their back pain and functionality compared to those undergoing a physical therapy regimen. Most towns have yoga classes available. It is important to start with a beginner’s class. You never want to push yourself beyond your limitations because it could result in an injury. As with any exercise program, you should consult your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough for this type of activity.
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