What Foot Injuries Can Occur from Being on My Feet All Day?
There are a variety of problems that being on your feet all day can cause for your feet. By assuming that your feet are supposed to hurt after a day of work, you could be missing the warning signs indicating you are suffering from one of the following foot injuries.
Plantar Fasciitis:
Pain from plantar fasciitis is usually worst first thing in the morning, or after a period a rest. This disorder causes pain in the heel and bottom of the foot.
Plantar Fasciitis is due to inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of tissue that connects your toes to your heel bone and provides support for the arch of your foot. While the cause of plantar fasciitis isn’t entirely known, one of the biggest risk factors is standing for prolonged periods of time.
Most cases of plantar fasciitis are not permanent and can be resolved.
Bunions are a caused when the big toe deviates toward the other toes causing the base of the toe to push outward on the bone directly behind the big toe (the first metatarsal bone). This leads to an unnatural, bony hump forming at the base of the big toe. The sac of fluid surrounding the joint can become inflamed, resulting in more pain and swelling.
While bunions can be hereditary, or develop with arthritis, they can also be triggered by constantly being on your feet or by wearing ill-fitting shoes.
Bunions are not permanent and there are many options to resolve them.
Foot Arthritis:
Arthritis is the inflammation of a joint. There are many small joints in the foot that can be affected by the pain and stiffness caused by arthritis. Arthritis is caused by the wear and tear damage to the soft tissue in the feet.
While foot arthritis cannot be cured, there are options to help manage the symptoms.