11. Medicine Ball Parallel Throw
The purpose of standing parallel to a wall and throwing a fitness ball is to strengthen your hips and torso. This helps to strengthen your core and will do a lot to improve your game.
For this exercise, you will need a medicine ball that doesn't feel too heavy and in an area where you are able to throw a ball against a wall.
How to do the exercise:
- Standing facing a wall, about 3-4 feet away from it. Hold the fitness ball at your waist.
- Rotate your upper body to the right so that the ball is behind your hip
- As you throw the ball to the wall, thrust your legs up.
- Catch the ball with your arms slightly bent and repeat.
- Return to the start position and repeat.
Remember, you can do the throws in quick succession.
Benefits for Golf
Throwing a medicine ball while standing parallel to the wall helps your recoil action when playing golf.