Cut Toenails Regularly

cut-child-toenails-regularlyCut your child's toenails on a regular basis, especially when they are babies as their nails grow at a faster rate during these stages. Long, sharp nails could lead to cuts and scratches when babies are not yet in full control of their movements. You might be worried about nicking your child's skin when cutting their nails, especially if they're a wriggler, but leaving them to grow too long can lead to other problems, so it needs to be done.

When cutting your child's toenails, always cut straight across the nail to the end of the toe. Don't round off the corners or cut them too short, as these can both lead to ingrown toenails. If you're worried about hurting them, you can buy special baby nail scissors or clippers that have rounded edges to minimize damage to the skin. Babies' nails are so soft that they don't require really sharp tools or a great deal of force to cut through them. As your child gets older, you should teach them how to properly and safely trim their toenails to encourage proper foot care.