Hand Shuttles

Top 10 Gadgets to improve hand strengthThe last gadget we are going to look at is Hand Shuttle. Perhaps more of a game than a gadget, the hand shuttle is an excellent tool for promoting thumb opposition and abduction, as well as finger extension and also incorporates speed and accuracy to promote coordination and dexterity training.

Consisting of finger slings, a shuttle weight, and 2 nylon cords, the purpose is to extend your fingers to separate the two cords and send the weight across the cords to your other hand. This gadget is great because it adds a little bit of fun into the exercise.

All ten gadgets that we looked at in this article are great for improving your hand strength and finger dexterity in different ways. Improving the dexterity of your fingers and the strength of your hand is a great way to help prevent arthritis, as well as ease some of the symptoms that are associated with arthritis.