Golfer's Elbow

Golfer's Elbow Killing Your Golf ScoreGolfer’s Elbow is caused by strain on the muscles at the point where the arm bone connects to the elbow. This type of injury occurs when the normal tissues can no longer handle the daily stress that is being forced upon them. The wrist motion and the gripping tasks that are used during a routine golf swing can cause great stress to the muscles. Over time, it can affect your ability to flex your wrist and control your grip, resulting in pain and discomfort when performing these actions. If a golfer has this ailment, they will experience tenderness and pain over the epicondyle and often develop trigger points in the wrist muscle. Another indicator of Golfer’s Elbow is pain when stretching the arm muscles.

A diagnosis is typically administered by a physiotherapist or a family doctor. The patient will undergo an ultrasound or MRI tests to identify inflammation and to determine if there are any tears in the tendons. A large percentage of Golfer’s Elbow pain actually stems from an injury to the spine or neck. In these cases, it is important to have a professional rule out the possibility of a neck injury, otherwise, symptoms and therapy will be useless and the patient’s symptoms may become chronic. 

Treatment for golfer’s elbow typically include:

  • electrotherapy
  • muscle stretches
  • massage
  • strength training exercises
  • mobilization of the neck and elbow joints to relieve stress
  • wearing an elbow brace