Shin Pain

Is Shin Pain Affecting Your Golf GameDue to the excessive amount of walking on the golf course, many golfers experience pain in their shins. Numerous golf courses are centered on hills which makes for treacherous walking conditions that, over time, cause inflammation and damage the soft tissues in the shins. This damage is referred to as a “shin splint. ” The number one factor that causes shin splints is that the lower leg is unprepared for an abrupt change in the intensity of activity. Most people believe that the shin is mostly bone, this idea, however, is misguided. There are, in fact, muscles that stretch over our shins and connect the knee to the foot.

The number one way to quickly heal shin splints is good old fashioned ice and rest. While recovering, the leg should be wrapped with a bandage everyday. This will keep the tendons from becoming further inflamed and aggravated. It is vital to cover the tibia and the first half of the foot with the wrap. Heat should never be used because it will only enhance the pain and delay the recovery time. Ice is the key to healing this type of injury. As always, proper warmup and stretching before playing a round of golf is vital to prevent shin splints or to improve recurring issues of shin splints. Start with a slow walk and gradually pick up the intensity.