Stay Active
Movement may be the very last thing on your mind when you are suffering from a back injury or wake up with a sore back. Being active and maintaining even a general level of fitness will do wonders to strengthen your entire body and ward off back pain. The spine is no different than the rest of the body when it comes to exercise. Our bodies were not meant to sit all day; we were meant to stay active and be functional. Failing to do this will result in a greater number of injuries and overall lack of body functionality as your muscles atrophy, heart weakens, and your bones become brittle. When you experience soreness in the back, you should assess the level of pain and experiment with the level of activity you can tolerate. Only do what you feel you are able to, but do not let yourself stay sitting or lying flat for too long. You may find that movement helps your body stretch out and alleviates some of the pain and inflammation. When you are experiencing back pain, aerobic activities are best. This will do wonders to get you moving and feeling better. Just make sure to judge how you are feeling at all times and go slow. Light exercise is optimal when you are injured or experiencing any sort of pain; nothing strenuous until you are no longer feeling pain. Opt for low or non-impact aerobic activities such as swimming, bicycling, or even walking.