How Can I Avoid Foot Pain?

avoid-foot-painThere are two main things you can do to avoid falling into the cycle of chronic foot pain. The first is wearing the right shoe for you, and the second is having a good daily foot care routine in place. 

Wearing the right footwear:

The most important thing is to ensure that your footwear fits you properly.

  • Always have both feet measured, as your feet can be different sizes.
  • When measuring your feet, measure the length, width, and depth.
  • Allow your toes wiggle room. There should be 1cm between your longest toe and the end of the shoe.
  • The heel should fit snugly on the foot to stop the heel from sliding in and out of the shoe.
  • Always try on both shoes.
  • Ensure there is proper arch support. The arch of our foot absorbs most of the pressure our bodies place on our feet with every step we take.

Some other points to keep in mind when selecting footwear:

  • For women who want to wear heels, stick to no more than a 4cm heel and vary the heel height from day to day; select a heel with a broad base.
  • Choose shoes that have a strap or lace over the instep, this will stop your foot from sliding forward.
  • Damp shoes are a breeding ground for bacteria or fungi such as athlete’s foot. Having more than one pair of work shoes will allow you to alternate your shoes and ensure you are always wearing dry, clean shoes.

Daily foot care routine:

You want to ensure that you are keeping your feet fit and flexible. To do this you need to take care of them both at home and at work. Here are some exercises that will promote flexibility in your feet:

  • Keeping your leg as still as possible, circle each foot ten times in each direction.
  • Try writing the alphabet out with your feet.
  • At home, walk around barefoot to exercise them.
  • At work, try to move around or flex your legs and feet to encourage circulation.
  • After work, elevate your feet higher than your head and heart for 15 minutes, this will allow your circulation to regulate.