February 2016

Examining the Correlation of Tension, Stress, and Chronic Pain

Stress and Tension lead to Chronic PainTension throughout the body can typically be defined as a non-relaxed state of the muscles, either by being stiff, tight, flexed, or over-stretched. Over time, if the muscles experience more than usual states of tension, this can lead to various problems associated with tension. As the muscles tighten due to stress, they are removed from their relaxed state. Often times this tension is due to external factors that affect our current state of relaxation. In other words, various aspects about everyday life may cause us to experience tension on a daily basis, and some of these factors may lead to chronic tension and chronic pain. We will discuss these factors later in the article. 
First, we must examine the way outside stress factors wreak havoc on the health of millions of people every day.  For instance, 43% of Adults suffer adverse health effects from stress and 75% of all visits to the doctor are stress-related ailments. Since stress in the workplace costs the American industry more than $300 billion annually, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has declared stress to be a hazard of any workplace. Stress that is persistent in an individual’s life, without proper relief, can lead to “distress.” Distress is a negative reaction to stress that can lead to physical issues such as stomach and digestion problems, headaches, high blood pressure, chest pain, and difficulty sleeping. Psychologists often believe that long periods of physical tension and pain from stress may lead to emotional disorders, severe depression, panic attacks, and other mental conditions. 

calendula can ease painThe Health Benefits of Calendula Officinalis 

Calendula Officinalis and its flowers were first used by the ancient Greek, Roman, and Indian Cultures as a medicinal herb. Many centuries ago, it was also commonly used as a dye for foods and cosmetics. You may be surprised, but many of these uses for Calendula still persist in today’s world, especially in products that are designed to protect the skin. Calendula Officinalis is also called “Pot Marigold” and the word “calendula” derives from the Latin word for “calendae” meaning “little calendar,” due to the fact that the flower usually blooms on the first of most months. Not only in ancient times was the extract used medicinally, but even today Calendula Officinalis is used in a variety of ways for health benefits.

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Tips of the Month

Each month, we provide our subscribers with some insightful tips and information to help them Enjoy Living Again. Check them out and share them with friends and family:

Ways to Reduce Hand & Knuckle Pain

Working or sitting in uncomfortable positions for long periods of time can do severe damage to your joints, bones and muscles. People who work with their hands can develop carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and tendonitis if they spend long periods of the day working in an improper or uncomfortable form. Ergonomic devices are designed to make you feel comfortable at work. There are many devices that can support, cushion, or brace the hands and wrists and provide relief from pain. They range from fairly cheap, to high end/expensive equipment. Decide for yourself what your needs are; spending money on ways to make your life less painful, is always a good investment (Click Here to Read More)

Ways to Reduce Runner's Knee Pain

A cupping treatment is a great way to improve the circulation for the knee, treat the injury, and help with pain.  This is a natural treatment that is practiced in Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been around for centuries. This practice uses heated glass cups that are applied to the problem areas and create suction to stimulate energy flow.  Practitioners can use different methods to create suction in the cups.  One way is to swab rubbing alcohol on the bottom of the cups, then light it with a flame and immediately put the cup over the affected area.  Another way is to hold the bottom of the cup over a small flame then apply the heated cup to the knee.  There is no reason to worry about the heat, this is a pleasant experience for many people.  No flames are ever used near the skin.  Cupping is a good way to revitalize circulation to specific parts of the body, and is also beneficial for removing blockages, opening channels, and supporting the healing process. (Click Here to Read More)

Ways to Reduce Arthritis Pain 

Researchers from Texas Woman’s University conducted a 4 month clinical study to see if eating grapes really helps with inflammation.  72 men and women diagnosed with osteoarthritis participated in the study.  Some were given a placebo powder, while others were given a whole grape freeze-dried powder.  The study revealed that the organic chemicals in grapes known as polyphenols helped reduce pain, and improved overall mobility and flexibility.  

Another reason to consume at least one cup of red or white grapes a day is because the skins of these grapes contain another natural compound called resveratrol which is a natural COX-2 inhibitor.  COX-2 is an enzyme that is accountable for the pain and inflammation of arthritis.  NSAIDs are consumed because they work as a COX-2 inhibitor, but grapes are better for your overall health, considering the fact that you do not have to worry about liver failure from eating too many grapes.

(Click Here to Read More)