August 2015
How to Beat Foot Pain and Stay on Your Feet
Foot pain afflicts a majority of people in the world. 100 million Americans suffer from chronic foot pain and 75% of the people in the United States experience foot pain at one point or another in their lives. There are many different types of pain that exist or are likely to occur in the foot. Some foot pain arises from everyday experiences that can happen to anyone such as in the case of accidents like stumping your toe on household furniture or creating a stress fracture or sprain on the top of your foot while competing in an athletic event. Then, there are more long-term or chronic foot problems. Occupations that require a person to be on their feet, day after day, will most commonly lead to foot pain at some point in their lives unless preventative steps are taken. Athletes are highly susceptible to foot pain. In Fact, 25% of athletic injuries are foot and ankle related.(1) Athletes are highly familiar with not only accidental foot pain, but long-term pain stemming from years of over-usage. Those who suffer from some sort of foot-pain in their lives is constantly growing. This is because our feet do so much for us on a daily basis.
Why Peppermint Oil is More Important Than You Think
The Peppermint plant flourishes in North America and Europe and has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb. Dried Peppermint leaves have been found in Egyptian pyramids dating 1000 B.C. The plant has a long history as a folk medicine in the states, and is currently being used to treat a variety of ailments. Peppermint can be used in cooking, teas/tinctures, and also be used in aromatherapy. Peppermint oil is widely available and fairly inexpensive. A cross between spearmint and watermint, the flowers of Peppermint are often used to extract oil from the plant known as Mentha Piperita, or "Peppermint Oil." The list of therapeutic uses of Peppermint oil seems to be constantly growing.
Tips of the Month
Each month, we provide our subscribers with some insightful tips and information to help them Enjoy Living Again. Check them out and share them with friends and family:
Ways to Reduce Hand & Knuckle Pain
There are a variety of products and devices out there that can help make everyday tasks easier to perform. When you have pain and inflammation in the hands, it may be much harder to do everyday things like open a jar or even take off your shoes. The way you grip things and use your hands to perform tasks can make a big difference in the amount of pain you experience in your hands. That’s why there are many handy assistive devices on the market that can keep your hands from overworking and reduce the amount of pain that you experience. Following is a list of just a few of the excellent assistive devices available for people who suffer from pain in their hands. (Click Here to Read More)
Ways to Reduce Runner's Knee Pain
A trained coach can help you correct and fine-tune your techniques in order to maximize your capabilities. They can point out your errors and give you the keys to retraining yourself. It may seem extreme, but if running is something you are passionate about, the knowledge of an expert will only benefit you. If you live in an area where it is hard to find a local coach you can find an online coach who will provide instruction via videotapes. (Click Here to Read More)
Ways to Reduce Back Pain
Many people have tried numerous ways to cure their chronic back pain but to no avail. It is easy to get frustrated and feel as if there is no hope for relief left. Some even resign themselves to the fact that their life is going to be limited because of their back issues. However, the culprit is often right under your nose the whole time. When you lay down on your bed to sleep, you may be causing yourself more pain than rest. An easy fix for your back problems, may be simply changing your mattress. If your mattress is old, dipping, or just not providing you with the specific support that you need, it can cause horrific pain in your back. Did you know that there are specific beds that cater to your sleeping position? If you are a side sleeper, you do not need the same type of bed that a stomach sleeper needs. It is easy to find online guides that will help you buy the perfect mattress for you. It is worth taking your time to evaluate what is going to be best for you and also vitally important to test mattresses thoroughly before buying them. It is easy to become distracted by impatient salesman and their disapproving looks, but you must take your time and make the right decision for yourself. Doing so can drastically improve your quality of life and be a positive factor in curing your back pain for good. (Click Here to Read More)
Ways to Reduce Arthritis Pain
Researchers from Case Western Reserve University conducted lab studies and discovered that Green tea may slow the progression of arthritis and cartilage damage because it blocks Interleukin-1, which is a pro-inflammatory cell in the body. Another benefit of Green tea is that it is high in antioxidants and polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory properties. (Click Here to Read More)
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