Announcing Our 1st Real Time Pain Relief Bullfighter!
We are incredibly excited to announce our first Real Time Pain Relief Bullfighter!!
Lucas Teodoro - Gauchinho - Professional Bullfighter. Fights bulls professionally for the PBR and PBR Velocity Tour.
With their heroism and fearlessness, Bullfighters keep the sport of Bull Riding going. Lucas Teodoro plays his part every weekend!
Lucas is originally from Brazil, and currently lives in Texas. He is one of the best Bullfighters in the world and is a Brazilian Bullfighting legend. We are thrilled to welcome him to our family!
Follow him on Facebook and Instagram for updates! @Lucasbullfighter
You can also follow our Real Time Pain Relief Cowboys page on Facebook, or find us on Instagram!
For more information about Real Time Pain Relief and the PBR, (Click Here)
You may also want to check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!