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Blog - Tag: Chronic Pain

Finding Chronic Pain Relief Through Acupuncture

acupuncture-pain-chronicAcupuncture is getting some well-deserved recognition as a legitimate way to reduce the symptoms of chronic pain. It is no longer a foreign “alternative” treatment option, as millions of people are using acupuncture these days to relieve their pain. In fact, a recent study showed that around 3 million Americans use acupuncture every year and the number seems to be growing. Although the true benefits of acupuncture in treating pain is still up for debate, all research that has been conducted shows an improvement in condition when acupuncture is applied, compared to when it is not. Here we take a look at how acupuncture works and how it is used to treat chronic pain. (Continue Reading)

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The Benefits of Pain Support Groups

pain-support-groupSupport groups are one of the most overlooked ways of treating pain. Many suffering from daily pain rarely explore support groups as a way to feel better, which is unfortunate considering the multitude of benefits a person can receive from these groups. Some pain sufferers are nervous about meeting new people, especially if they feel their symptoms might make it difficult to even attend a support group. For those entertaining the idea of attending support groups for pain, you’re headed in the right direction. These groups are often undersold on just how useful they are in making those suffering from chronic pain feel better. (Continue Reading)

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Lifestyle Choices and Pain Management

lifestyle-coffeeThere are some who deal with pain on a day-to-day basis. Chronic pain can result from numerous types of illnesses and conditions, and those suffering are always searching for ways to take the pain away. Despite what type of pain you are experiencing, whether it be from an injury or a degenerative condition, most of us are willing to take any steps necessary to feel better and return to normalcy. For those who are dealing with conditions that present painful symptoms every day, the path to recovery may involve more than simply treating the symptoms. Conditions like arthritis, joint and bone deterioration, fibromyalgia, gout, sciatica, and other such disorders may take a different approach to preventing their painful symptoms. When we visit our physician, we often hear two words that may mean everything when it comes to you feeling better: lifestyle choices. (Continue Reading)

For more details about Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain, (Click Here)

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The Health Benefits of Using a Stability Ball

stability-ball-benefitsIs your normal office chair causing you pain, discomfort, or improper posture? Any chair that you sit in long enough can have negative effects from long-term use if the chair doesn’t support and align the body properly. Even high-tech ergonomic chairs can create certain posture problems that you may not notice until it’s too late. This is one of the main reasons millions of people are switching to stability balls while they work or sit for long periods at a time. These are simple inflatable balls that you sit on, which force you to use correct posture to balance yourself.

Stability balls force the proper spine alignment while you balance yourself. When you start to change your alignment, your balance changes with it and you are forced to reposition to a proper posture. But what makes the stability ball efficient is not only help with posture but the many other numerous benefits that come with using the ball. (Continue Reading)

For more about devices that improve posture and other benefits (Click Here)

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Feldenkrais and Fibromyalgia: A Path to Less Pain


Fibromyalgia is the most common cause of severe musculoskeletal pain in people seen by rheumatologists and other physicians. Those with fibromyalgia often display musculoskeletal pain, chronic fatigue, and sleep disturbance. Other symptoms may include morning stiffness, headaches, depression, gastrointestinal problems, and thyroid problems. Emotional stress, noise, trauma, and even climate have been known to exacerbate symptoms.

With the numerous treatment options available for those suffering from fibromyalgia, there is still many who still struggle with fibromyalgia symptoms on a daily basis. However, one specific method has been showing steady promise in decreasing these symptoms; The Feldenkrais Method. The Feldenkrais Method was created by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, a Russian-born physicist and educator who developed his technique in response to his own diagnoses. This method works by increasing the person's sensitivity and awareness of physical movement. This method has grown in popularity. The goal is to reprogram the sensorimotor learning ability of a person’s central nervous system, basically the body relearns the patterns in which we should move, as well as how our bodies control these movements. This method is based on principles of physics, kinesthetics, and biometrics. The Feldenkrais method encourages practitioners to work alongside patients in an “instructional” manner, instead of just attempting to correct them.

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For more about treating Fibromyalgia, (Click Here)

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Sleep: The Problem and The Solution

sleepIt’s no surprise that sleep plays a huge role when it comes to physical health. But to what extent? Most medical professionals will agree that adequate, restful sleep is crucial when it comes to staying healthy and preventing disease. Those who experience sleep difficulties for long periods of time, have a higher risk of developing conditions such as hypertension, depression, diabetes, obesity, and even some forms of cancer. Not to mention, those who get more sufficient sleep typically live longer and experience a higher quality of life. Around 50-70 million Americans report suffering from some form of sleep disorder. Any medical professional will tell you that sleep is just as important to living a healthy life as diet and exercise. 

So how much sleep is enough? That depends on age. The National Institute of Health suggest that school-age children require at least 10 hours of sleep each night. Teens get away with around 9 hours, and adults need around 7-8. Unfortunately, around 30% of adults receive less than 6 hours of sleep each night.

What's the solution? (Continue Reading)

More on Sleep and Healthy Living (Click Here)

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How Does My Posture Affect My Health?

How-does-my-posture-affect-my-healthDid you know that your posture could be the root cause of a lot of your aches and pains? Researchers have performed numerous studies and found that the way we hold our bodies drastically affects how we feel. They have linked poor posture habits to high stress, depression, circulation issues, increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, and slowing of intestinal activity, which leads to lots of other problems.

Some people even find that poor posture affects their careers, or how others view them, simply because they do not appear to be proud. When you walk through the door with your head down and your shoulders hunched over, you might come across as being sad and lacking energy. A Harvard study recently found that people who slouch have 10% less testosterone and a 15% increase in cortisol levels than people who don’t slouch. This means that people who slouch are dealing with more of the “stress chemical” known as cortisol. High cortisol and low testosterone levels can also cause feelings of low self confidence.

The other big factor about your posture is that you are holding your entire bodily frame in positions that cause misalignment, tension, and stress. As these 3 things occur to your bones, muscles, joints, tissues, etc, you develop sore spots, cramps, cricks, tense muscles, and more. Basically, you will feel pain in one or more areas of your body, and it may even be chronic pain.

Many people feel that they do not have the ability to fix their posture. Maybe they feel like they don’t have extra time to work on it, or they think that it will cost a lot of money, however, it doesn’t have to eat up a lot of your time or your hard earned money. All it takes is a little commitment and some patience with yourself.

Continue Reading to Learn About Ways to Improve Your Posture

For More Details About Easy and Inexpensive Ways to Improve Your Posture, (Click Here)

To See a List of Devices and Gadgets That Improve Posture, (Click Here)

What You Need to Know About Vitamin D

vitamin-DThere are signs and symptoms that stem from the lack of vitamin D; one of them is depression. Serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates mood elevation rises with more exposure to light. There are many determining factors that place you at risk for a deficiency in Vitamin D.  For instance, those with darker skin are more at risk for Vitamin D deficiency. The darker your complexion, the more exposure you need from the sun; almost 10 times more exposure than what you would consider as enough for a pale person. Someone may also have a deficiency in Vitamin D if they are 50 years or older. The older you get, the less your skin responds to sun exposure, resulting in less production of Vitamin D in the body. The kidneys also become less efficient at converting Vitamin D into something usable by your body. Those who are over 50 (especially if they are retired) may also spend more time indoors compared to a younger adult. Sometimes those who come into the doctor’s office complaining of aches and pains in their bones, often end up being misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, but what they may be experiencing is a Vitamin D deficiency. Ten to fifteen minutes of direct sunlight per day can help the body produce an adequate amount of vitamin D. Some researchers have concluded that Vitamin D helps to relieve pain by aiding in the absorption of calcium, which aids in bone repair and growth. Research has estimated that a majority of people with unexplained sources of pain were found to be deficient in vitamin D levels. There seems to be a correlation between Vitamin D and living with pain. A physician or nutritionist should know enough about Vitamin D, and if they believe you may have this deficiency, they should work with you to develop a treatment plan that includes regular sun exposure and possibly Vitamin D supplements.

For details about easing pain without the use of prescription medications, (Click Here)

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Why Use Emu Oil?

Why-Real-Time-Pain-Relief-uses-Emu-OilEmu Oil is a hypo-allergenic oil and has no known harmful side effects. It is also effective when it comes to relieving pain and numerous other discomforts of the skin. Even Dr. Oz has recommended the use of Emu Oil for sore muscles and joints. Laboratories in the United States, as well as Australia, have proven that Emu Oil is very effective at reducing inflammation and joint pain. This is because it contains high concentrations of linolenic acid and oleic acid. The other fascinating thing about Emu Oil is its ability to penetrate deep into the skin, this is what is referred to when you hear someone say that Emu Oil is a Transdermal oil. This quality of Emu oil means that it doesn’t just nourish the surface layers of your skin, rather it absorbs down through the skin and nourishes every layer. Perhaps, this is why so many people find relief when they apply products containing Emu Oil to their swollen, sore, aching, dry, itchy, red, irritated, cracking, peeling, or inflamed areas. When you combine Emu Oil with numerous other natural ingredients known to reduce inflammation and pain, this ability to penetrate the layers of skin is phenomenal because it means all of these beneficial, nourishing ingredients will be carried to the exact area where you feel discomfort.

People use Emu Oil to relieve arthritis pain and stiffness, to massage into areas of muscle strain, ligament issues, sprains, etc, to help with the pain and inflammation of scrapes and cuts, to relieve sunburn pain, to combat scarring and stretch marks, to moisturize dry skin, and many more.


How Does Menthol Work to Relieve Your Pain?

menthol-relieves-painSuffering from pain? Did you know that menthol is one of Nature’s Natural Ingredients that can provide relief? Numerous studies have validated this information. In fact, one study discovered that menthol is so effective that it relieves pain by 95%. Menthol’s analgesic properties come from the ligands that absorb into the skin and activate k-opioid receptors, producing a numbing effect in the area it was applied. Menthol stimulates the skin’s receptors, which interpret the sensation as a cooling experience.

If you are interested in using menthol to relieve your pain, it is important that you find the right source for pain relief containing menthol. This is because many topical pain relievers use too much menthol, which can actually cause damage and irritation to your skin. The FDA has released statements warning people about products that contain greater than 3% menthol content (1). This is why Real Time Pain Relief is committed to only putting enough Menthol to provide pain relief but NO burning sensation or risk of injury for our customers. Every single one of our Real Time Pain Relief products that contains menthol is made with this standard in mind.

For more information about Natural Ingredients to Relieve Hand Pain, (Click Here)

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At Real Time Pain Relief, we not only care about the quality ingredients that go into each and every one of our products – but also about the people who buy them. We hope this blog, and the articles posted on it, become a valued resource for your own personal journey to better health. We know natural products that reduce your pain at the source are important to you, and for more than 17 years, our Real Time Pain Relief rub-on has been providing fast acting, targeted pain relief with natural ingredients to thousands of satisfied customers. From the useful information on this blog to our high-quality natural products, we hope you become one of the thousands of customers telling us they “Enjoy Living Again!”


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What they say about Real Time Pain Relief

I get...relief from muscle leg cramps and sore leg muscles and love the roll on because I can grab it in the dark and roll it on . Do not have to wash my hands afterwards. This is what I love about the roll on...
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Miriam H. - Hilton Heads Island, South Carolina

It's wonderful.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Angel - Materia, Michigan

Been using this product for nearly two years now. Not sure what I'd do without it! Ran out a couple of weeks ago and tried some over the counter items. Waste of money! Didn't even come close to what Real Time Pain Relief does!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Mike - Lexington, Illinois

After months of constant pain...Over a year of trying all kinds of internal medicine that was causing all kinds of side effects and not helping with the pain at all..
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Kiley - Washington, North Carolina

...I ran out of my normal meds so I tried a sample. [Quickly], I was in HEAVEN! Nothing has ever worked but amazingly I [had pain relief]! I applied it to my belly, unbelievable! No more pills for me. Thank you so much!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Tia L - Orlando, Florida

...I did not want to take another pill so I decided to try your product. I tried it for 9 straight days and I am so happy that I don't have to go through the anxiety I felt every morning when I would step out of bed onto the floor.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Deborah R. - Washington, District of Columbia

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