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Why Real Time Pain Relief Keeps Menthol Levels Low

Why <span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span> Uses Low Menthol LevelsReal Time Pain Relief products are made with the safety of everyone in mind. Since 1998, we have utilized the powerful pain relief of Nature’s active ingredient, Menthol, in its lowest effective dose, using concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 1.5%. From our 20 years of pain relief experience, Menthol in these doses still provides effective pain relief without bearing the concern for serious topical burns or injury.

Since it is possible to get effective relief from lower doses, we don’t expect anyone to trade aches and pains for burning and irritated skin!

Here are 3 Reasons Why Real Time Pain Relief Products Contain Low Menthol Levels:

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Broccoli: Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse

broccoli-is-great-anti-inflammatory-foodDid you know that broccoli is a very potent anti-inflammatory vegetable and that it can block enzymes in the body that lead to joint destruction and inflammation? It is also a powerhouse of nutrients like Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin A, C, K, E, B2, B3, B6, B1, fiber, chromium, manganese, copper, magnesium, selenium, potassium, zinc, protein, iron, and more.

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5 Reasons to Use Magnesium Oil Topically

5 Reasons to Use Magnesium Oil

Did you know that magnesium is found in every organ in the human body? Despite this fact, many of us are deficient in this important mineral and it can lead to pain, osteoporosis, migraines, inflammation, and more. Eating foods rich in magnesium and taking supplements can be helpful, but researchers are finding that the body isn't always able to absorb this mineral properly. However, medical professionals have found a more efficient way to boost your magnesium levels ... a topical solution of magnesium. It absorbs into the skin, and the body is able to deliver that nutrient where it needs to without waiting for the magnesium to be processed and absorbed by the body.

Topical application of Magnesium Oil has been providing astounding results when it comes to relief.

Read on to learn about the benefits and understand why Real Time Pain Relief added Magnesium Oil to SPORTS Cream!

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Vitamin C for Pain Relief

Vitamin C for Pain ReliefVitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that our bodies need to maintain health. Your body uses Vitamin C to help it to repair and heal a wide variety of tissues in the body. It is a necessary component of the protein needed to make skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It helps the body make cartilage, bones, and teeth, and helps your body heal wounds and form scar tissue. Vitamin C also helps your body to properly absorb and utilize iron.

Since it is a powerful anti-oxidant, Vitamin C helps control the aging of our cells and tissues. It does this by scavenging for free radicals that are in the body and eliminating them. Vitamin C deficiency is linked to premature aging and other negative effects of the aging process.

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How Activity Helps Reduce Pain

How Exercise Helps With PainWhen we are pain we seem to do all that is in our power to avoid making it worse, right? For some people this may mean limiting most of their activity altogether. Unfortunately, ignoring pain does not make it go away nor does avoiding motions that may cause discomfort. This avoidance, in fact, creates greater problems including weakened muscles, compromised posture, and further joint trouble. However, studies have discovered that regular physical activity aids in the reduction of chronic pain.

Everyone responds to pain differently, but research has been able to harness a quantitative measure to compare levels of pain. Our pain threshold refers to when we begin to feel pain and our pain tolerance is the amount of time we can handle pain before stopping whatever we are doing that is causing it. The vice president with Champion Sports Medicine in Birmingham Alabama, Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT, explains, “Exercise improves your pain threshold. With chronic pain, your pain threshold drops -- in other words, it takes less pain to make you feel more uncomfortable. With cardiovascular, strengthening, and flexibility exercise, you can improve that pain threshold.”

Researchers at the University of New South Wales and Neuroscience Research Australia studied exactly that.

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How Food Can Cause Inflammation

How Food Causes InflammationMost people think that eating food is a no-brainer - we eat food and we live. But it is not quite that simple. Every person’s body is unique and every person’s body reacts differently to certain foods. Some people experience gastrointestinal upset, mood disorders, skin issues, chronic pain, and many other conditions. This is because some foods cause inflammation in certain people. This inflammation leads to the degeneration of the body’s cells.

Inflammation occurs in some people because foods they eat contribute to, or cause, leaky gut. Leaky gut happens when large molecules get through the gut lining and into the blood stream prematurely. This causes the body to send “soldiers” in to fight these molecules and remove them. This process creates inflammation. Some professionals also believe that certain foods feed viruses that are harboured in the body, causing inflammation as the virus irritates the cells it inhabits as it grows and multiplies into more virus cells.

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How Mindfulness Practice Reduces Pain

How Mindfulness Reduces PainPain is regulated by our nervous system. Our brain alerts us of the pain we feel and it strives to maintain balance in the body. Stress disrupts the brain’s ability to deal with pain signals. Dr. Steven Stanos, medical director of the Center for Pain Management at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, stated, “The brain is always trying to inhibit pain signals. But if you're stressed, simply put, the brain's ability to filter these pain signals is affected in a bad way and pain can be increased.” Research shows that even the process of thinking about something stressful immediately causes increased tension in the back muscles. This tension aggravates any underlying conditions that you may have.

Mindfulness significantly reduces stress levels, anxiety, and feelings of depression. Researchers conducted a study in which participants were placed in an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction group. When participants finished this training, scans revealed that in troubling situations they had less neural activity and responses. This means that there wasn’t a large release of stress hormones, leading researchers to the conclusion that mindfulness teaches strategies that help the brain regulate and react to an emotional situation with less stress, thus helping decrease pain levels.

However, some individuals are turned off at the thought of mindfulness because it doesn't seem like something for them.

But what if I told you, to practice mindfulness, you don't have to chant a mantra or imagine yourself somewhere else.

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How Positive Thinking Reduces Pain

How Positive Thinking Reduces PainHave you ever heard of the phrase mind over matter? The main premise behind the popular saying is that our minds, composed of our thoughts, feelings and emotions, have a big influence on our physical bodies and external environment. A different way of explaining this phenomenon is the “mind-body connection,” or in some cases, “the placebo effect.” This subject is widely studied, especially in the area of chronic pain. All bodies of research point to a really incredible outcome: positive thinking can improve pain symptoms. On the flip side, negative thinking can contribute to worsening pain or at least inhibiting one’s ability to cope with it.
A clinical psychologist, Nicola Turner, recognizes that the medical profession often creates a disconnection between one’s physical pain and mental patterns. She explains, “we’ve been conditioned to separate physical and emotional problems when in fact you can’t have the mind without the body.” This idea brings attention to the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, with physical therapy. CBT is regularly used as a treatment for an array of mental health issues such as anxiety, stress management, and even phobias. Interestingly enough, Warwick University conducted a study in 2010 on patients with severe back pain and concluded that those who combined their standard treatment with CBT showed double the improvement in pain versus those who received the physiotherapy, osteopathy, or acupuncture alone.

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4 Reasons to Stop Sitting With Crossed Legs

Is Sitting With Your Legs Crossed Bad For YouSitting with our legs crossed is a very common way of sitting. Whether it is at the office, on public transportation, or relaxing at home, many people’s go-to posture is one leg over the other, crossed at the knee. This may be the comfortable position for you to sit and it may also come in handy in crowded areas, however, there are some negative side effects from sitting in this position for too long.

Here are 4 reasons that researchers say that sitting with your legs crossed isn't good for your body:

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7 Ways to Be More Active Every Day

7 Ways to Be More Active in Every Day LifeExercise doesn't have to cost a fortune! Staying active doesn't even need to cost you a dime when you realize it isn't crucial to have a gym membership, a bunch of exercise equipment, or a professional who can formulate plans for you. Physical activity also doesn't have to take up all of your time. We are busy people, right? We can’t quit our day jobs or skip out on plans with loved ones just so we can get some activity in our life. Did you know that there are some ways to be active without going to a gym or going for a run? Here are 7 easy ways to sneak some extra fitness into your day:

Take the Stairs

Have you noticed that there are exercise machines that are made to simulate stairs? That's proof enough that it's a good workout! Skip the elevator and even the escalators. Walking, even leisurely, up the stairs is a mini workout that's convenient and often we do not have to change our routines at all to implement it.

Stand Up

Sounds simple, right? It is! While you're working, for example, try to stand more than you're sitting. Standing desks are a huge plus in this situation, but if that is not applicable to your environment, plan to take standing breaks. Shoot for getting up and standing for at least 5 minutes every hour or so. Better yet, you could make a point to stand up whenever you're on the phone. This little change, especially once it becomes a habit, makes a difference!

Embrace Chores

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The champ has you covered both day and night. Choose between George Foreman’s KNOCKOUT Formula™ and George Foreman’s NIGHT-TIME Relief Cream™ to deliver a knockout to your pain...Click Here

<span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span> formulas deliver on-site pain relief. Choose from our fast-acting lotions and creams to find formulas that are effective on some or a few of the following: muscle strains, soreness, bruising, sprains, simple backache, and swelling due to overexertion or injury. For PAIN RELIEF YOU CAN TRUST, choose <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>. Real Time Wins 3 Awards - to Your Health! The Clean Label Project™ has awarded <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>’s Hemp Oil formulas 3 awards that will score big for your happiness and health!...Click Here

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Real Time Wins 3 Awards - to Your Health! The Clean Label Project™ has awarded <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>’s Hemp Oil formulas 3 awards that will score big for your happiness and health!...Click Here

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What they say about Real Time Pain Relief

Best stuff ever. Received mine as a sample. Wasn't sure what to believe. My knees were bothering me and I thought what the heck, I'll try it. OMGosh, [relieved it]. You gotta try this!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Leslie - Ashland, Virginia

...I went to the doctor and he prescribed pain medication. The medication helped with the pain a little but did not help a lot. I had ordered Real Time Pain Relief before I had fallen and boy am I glad I did.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Berta R - Caldwell, Idaho

Wow, i happened to come upon this site just looking for samples of anything and this was my first sample to come in...
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Wayne - Williston, Vermont

I initially bought Real Time Pain Relief for my foot and both hands. I have had surgery several times on all three. It works great. I have suffered with restless legs for years. Never finding anything that would relieve them.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Vicki - Las Vegas, Nevada

One of your affiliates who is a friend of mine came to visit me in the hospital. I mentioned that I had a [pain] all day and she suggested that I try your product. [Quickly], the pain was [relieved]!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Jeannie P. - St. Genevieve, Missouri

Just wanted to let you know that my wife Kathy just started using her 2nd Jar of RTPR. She opened her 1st Jar 3-16-2012 and cleaned it dry on 7-5-2013!!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Bill K - Weaverville, California

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